A Sign Above manufactures a wide variety of signs. Our manufacturing facility includes CNC routers, a fully-equipped wood shop, and paint departments, and an assembly and staging department. Regardless of what type of signs you need, you can be certain that we use the highest quality materials and craftsmanship to create your finished product. The following is a description of some of the materials we use.
HDU - High Density Urethane
High Density Urethane board is a durable synthetic material that is impervious to water and humidity. Unlike wood, HDU will not absorb moisture so it will not swell, rot or decay. HDU can be hand-carved with a wood grain to resemble sand-blasted cedar. HDU is readily available in a variety of thickness: 1", 1.5", 2", 3" or 4”, and can be seamlessly cemented together to create even larger sign components.
ACM – Aluminum Composite Material
Aluminum Composite Material is a flat panel that consists of two thin aluminum sheets bonded to a non-aluminum core; usually polyethylene. The core can be solid or corrugated depending on the sign application. We use ACM for a variety of signage including ground and building signs, and in the fabrication of boxed signs. ACM panels can be digitally printed, painted or accept vinyl applications.
PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
PVC sheeting is a weatherproof, chemical-resistant and non-corroding material. It will not absorb water and will not rot or decay. PVC is used for interior and exterior signs, and can be painted, digitally imprinted, or accept vinyl applications. We use PVC for many signs that include router cut and layered lettering or design concepts.
EPS - Expanded Polystyrene
EPS monument structures can simulate stone, or brick and are sealed with an acrylic textured hardcoat. These structures are modular and do not require a concrete footer or excavation. EPS structures are extremely durable and can accommodate many types of signs.
Acrylics can be router or laser cut, painted, and layered to create stunning interior or exterior signage.
A Sign Above uses many types of metals in the manufacture of signage including stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and steel. Metal letters and logos can be cut, fabricated, cast, or laminated onto other substrates.
MDO Plywood
Medium Density Overlay board is a wood product that is used typically for temporary signage. It is a smooth plywood that is primed, painted with enamels and then digitally imprinted or applied with vinyls.
Coroplast – Corrugated Plastic
Coroplast is used for temporary signage of all types. It is lightweight, and available in two thicknesses: 4mm & 10mm.
A Sign Above uses LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) whenever possible in the construction of its illuminated signage. LEDs are energy efficient, long lasting and require less maintenance than other types of illumination. Many municipalities are now allowing only LED illumination in their ordinances. We can also make lamp illuminated, and neon illuminated signage.